mbti® assessment - psychometric tool

Le Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is a self-assessment questionnaire that aims to make Carl Jung’s theory on various psychological types easy to understand and use in everyday life.
The results of the MBTI identify differences between people, differences that can be the cause of many misunderstandings.

Your answers help to identify your skills, your natural assets and the ideal areas for development.
They will also help you to appreciate people who are different from you.

A good understanding of your MBTI type enables you to assert yourself and develop your cooperation with those around you.
After more than 50 years of research and development, the MBTI has become the most widely used tool in understanding personality differences. It is used to various ends, such as:

• Better self-understanding and personal development
• Career development and management
• Organisational development
• Team cohesion
• Management and leadership training
• Problem solving
• Communication advice
• Learning and development
• Educational advice
• Training on diversity and awareness of the multiplicity of cultures

In figures:
3.5 million Indicators administered each year worldwide.
Translated into more than 30 languages.
